TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE or TDEE, as the name suggests is the amount of energy that a person spends everyday while doing various activities like eating, exercising, sitting, dancing, excreting, and also by simply living! 😊

There are 3 components attached with TDEE:Β 
1. Basal Metabolic Rate: or BMR is the amount of calories that we burn when we are literally doing nothing all day; or we can say like in a state of coma.. It basically involves life-sustaining processes like heart pumping, lungs, brain and other vital organs working, and our body temperature regulation, and so on.
Well, it makes up 2/3rd or 75% of our TDEE.Β 

2. Thermic Effect of Food: or TEF is the amount of calories that we burn by eating food. The food we eat needs to be digested and then used up by our body, for absorption which is known as TEF.Β 
Proteins and Carbs have a greater TEF than Fats and hence it is also recommended to eat a diet rich in protein so that our body burns more calories.Β 
It accounts for 10% of our TDEE.Β 

3. Thermic Effect of Activity: or TEA has two sub parts-Β 
* Non EXERCISE – (also know as NEAT- Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)- this includes our daily activities like cleaning, walking, watching tv, talking etc..
* EXERCISE- this includes exercise induced TEA like while doing cardio, strength training, swimming or any other exercise.

It accounts for 15% of our TDEE.

All these 3 combine to form our TDEE. 


Now, in order to be in a calorie deficit we need to eat less calories than our TDEE and in order to be in a calorie surplus, we need to eat more calories than our TDEE. 

(It is ideally recommended to eat at least 250 calories less than our TDEE everyday to lose weight)

Use the below TDEE calculator to calculate your optimal daily calorie intake.

Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:
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